LightScaping - Live Sessions

Live online creative sessions, and community to Ignite Awe and Transform our Inner and Outer Worlds!
Our Next Session is:
Thursday February 13th at 8pm UK,
12 Noon US Pacific Time

To join the session there are two steps to take:
1. Please make a donation to The Sharmada Foundation here (there is normally a charge of $200 to join, but please attune to what feels right you. And please put in the donation note "LigthScaping". Thankyou so much!)
2. Sign up for the zoom session for here:
LightScaping is a gentle creative path of self exploration that will:
- Enable you to light up your imagination and creativity
- Inspire a clearer sense of purpose, vitality and inner direction.
- Support you on a trust-imbued, journey of transformation with other LightScapers journeying with you.
- Challenge you to see what's holding you back in expressing your true being, and gifts in the world.
This happens through:
- Live virtual LightScaping sessions personally facilitated by Louis Parsons,
- Live sessions are recorded, and held in a private video platform, so you don't miss a single thing.
This practise has one aim: to light up your inner and outer world!
Who is this for?
The practice of LightScaping is for anyone who feels the call to reveal the more of the unique soul light inside you. This pathway is for people wanting to experience creative and authentic transformation, who may be experiencing stress or worry and who want a gentle path to overcome this.*
You do not need any artistic experience to do this. (Experienced and Inexperienced LightScapers will receive great benefit from joining this experience)
*Please note, that this is not a clinical intervention to help clinical depression, anxiety or deep trauma. If you experience this please seek the help of a medical professional.
In particular its for people who:
- Feel the urge to express themselves creatively but don't know how. (you do not need to be an artist in any way…!)
- Feel the call to something deeper, higher and wider
- Already have some kind of spiritual practise, and would somehow like to capture the experiences that you are having
- Feel the urge to be part of a caring and sensitive group to bring creative support and insight to your practice.
Why “LightScape”?
"Light" refers to the light architecture of grace that and divine love permeates all reality. "..Scape" draws attention to experiencing this as a landscape, or seascape. This interior can experinced individually, or collectively - hence "LightScape".
LightScaping is a profoundly simple creative practice that enables those with little or no artistic experience to capture, integrate, and share those rare moments of aliveness that make up the fabric of our Soul. This is an experience-led approach. The system itself is grounded in the latest contemporary thinking of quantum advances in science, and psychology.
To join the session there are two steps to take:
1. Please make a donation to The Sharmada Foundation here (there is normally a charge of $200 to join, but please attune to what feels right you. And please put in the donation note "LigthScaping". Thankyou so much!)
2. Sign up for the zoom session for here:
Then please download: to the first stage of the SoulScape process.
Please read this through, and it will give you a first impression of what we will be creating together. We will be doing a slightly simplified version of this, in that you only need simple art materials.
Please have a journal and pen ready, and look at the art materials list below.
Ideally you have paint and paper, your fingers and cloths… the rest is a bonus.
ANY ART MATERIALS WILL DO. Pens, paper,.....anything… We need to be resourceful in these times :)
See if you can find these art materials in a cupboard or attic somewhere, or local shops have most of this!
If not, I've included links.
(This Painting Kit covers everything)
Or you can build your own set:
-A small canvas/canvas board or two
-A cup of water (for paints)
-Jay (cleaning) cloths to paint with (way more fun!) If you don't have any under your kitchen sink, then something like this.
Bonus materials:
-Sparkly bits! (gold or pearl look awesome)
(If you really get into this, i'll show you a couple of other LightScaping kits made of other art materials, including what I use!)
On that, please make sure you have access to a reliable internet connection! :)
The session will take around 90 mins...(ish!)
The timing outline looks something like this:
Introductions - 5 mins
How do you feel about creating? - 5 mins
Looking at an artwork - 10 mins
Group Imaginal Practise - 5 mins
Write it down - 5 mins
Share in pairs - 10 mins
Rules of Creating and crash course in creating - 5 mins
Paint! - 20 mins
Private View - Feedback circle of art - 40 mins. (This is AWESOME!)
An Invitation - 5 mins
It's ideal to set up your tablet or laptop next to your art materials, and make sure you roll up your sleeves, and cover your painting area with paper or table cloth, so you don't get paint on your favourite or table!
Turn off notifications on the device you are using too.
I look forward to seeing you online!
Thankyou so much, and I CANNOT wait to take you into the center or centers of the LightScape,
Louis Parsons