Presencing serves as a two-way gateway to loving pure silence. It's a center of consciousness, dynamically alive and generative. Its primary language is that of radiating love and awareness. Other centers, which I affectionately refer to as "wings centers," support this awareness. This playful framework, not a typology, draws inspiration from the Enneagram and the angelic body's wings, symbolizing states of consciousness. Presencing is the realm of the mind, where awareness and consciousness converge. In Sufi teachings, it's often referred to as cleansing the lens of perception. I chose to start here because as we expand our attention, we activate the other centers. After all, what would any of this be without awareness? It's profound to realize that we...
"I believe in the power of art to transform us to help us see more and feel more," and that's at the heart of what I do. Art helps us see and understand more, not just about the world around us, but also about ourselves. It's been used like this for hundreds, even thousands of years. But here's a crazy thing: most artworks only get about seven seconds of someone's time. Think about that. Artists put so much work into their pieces, and yet, most people barely give it a moment. I find that amazing. In the sessions I run, I ask people to spend a bit more time with the art. Maybe a minute or two, just...
Being a full-time artist, you know, many say this is the holy grail of being an artist, to live fully from what you love to do - creating. It's an amazing thing, but also really hard. One of the biggest headaches is how to put a price on your artwork. That boils down to what we consider valuable. Often, the value of art gets tied to things like, "this is the last one," or "this is the only one of these ever made." Originality and uniqueness are important, and sure, they add value. But a lot of the art world gets stuck on this scarcity thing, where we only want something because nobody else can have it. So...
Your Soul Is: A Garden. How are your energy levels at the moment? Do you feel overwhelmed? Distracted? Low? There can be many reasons for why this is. The world around us will give us a million and one reasons why. But getting to the root this feeling means going within. How? By trusting your Imagination, you can be directed into the areas of your inner life that need more attention. Doing this simple practise can really help. It can bring intuitive wisdom, direction, and higher energy levels. But the key is gentleness and patience. Give yourself 10 minutes to try this and see what happens: Imaginal Practise: Tending To The Garden Of The Soul. Imagine for...
We each face a glass ceiling. We each have an old belief systems (an "iron pan") to break through.
I explore more of this in this video.
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