SAS - Signature Programme 2023

A Monthly Live Online SoulScaping Practice to express your Unique Symphony Of Light.
Circle 1 - 3rd Wednesday of Month 1pm UK - 12 Places Left
Circle 2 - 3rd Thursday of Month 8pm UK - 12 Places Left
Deep Dive Circle - 6 Places Left
(See Dates below)
- Enable to you to light up your imagination and creativity
- Inspire a clearer sense of purpose, vitality and inner direction.
- Support you on a trust-imbued, journey of transformation with other SoulScapers journeying with you.
- Challenge you see what's holding you back in expressing your true being, and gifts in the world.
This sequence of online workshops will help you express the depths of your Soul, in all its light and enable you to find the gifts hiding in your shadows.
This happens through:
- Level 1: An Online Course and Membership of the SoulScape Collective, a community to help maintain learning and inspiration in between sessions
- Level 2: Online Course PLUS Monthly live virtual SoulScaping sessions personally facilitated by Louis Parsons, (occasionally with help from experienced SoulScapers)
- Level 3: Deep Dive Course - As Above PLUS Ad Hoc extra lives sessions to explore deeper aspects of the Symphony together.
- Live sessions are recorded, and held in a beautiful online course format, so you don't miss a single thing.
- Immediate Access to FOUR BONUS Self Paced courses and Ebooks: including access to recordings of “The Power OF Attention” “SoulScaping: Feeling Truly alive” , “The Soul Notes” and “The Soul Chords”. These powerful courses enable you to develop your own personal SoulScaping practice in your own time and at your own pace.
This programme has one aim: For you to experience authentic transformation by expressing your Unique Symphony Of Light.
"The Nine Soul Centres"
Who is this for?
"Soul As Symphony" and the practice of SoulScaping is for anyone who feels the call to reveal the more of the soul inside you. This pathway is for people wanting to experience creative and authentic transformation, who may be experiencing stress or worry and who want a gentle path to overcome this.*
You do not need any artistic experience to do this. (Experienced and Inexperienced SoulScapers will receive great benefit from taking this course!)
*Please note, that this is not a clinical intervention to help clinical depression, anxiety or deep trauma. If you experience this please seek the help of a medical professional.)
In particular its for people who:
- Feel the urge to express themselves creatively but don't know how. (you do not need to be an artist in any way…!)
- Feel the call to something deeper, higher and wider
- Already have some kind of spiritual practise, and would somehow like to capture the experiences that you are having
- Feel the urge to be part of a caring and sensitive group to bring creative support and insight to your practice.
Why “Soul Symphony”?
Each of us is completely unique: A radiant symphony of light and shadow. As this energy is creatively accessed by means of The Imagination, a world of possibility is opened up to us before our very eyes. We become radiant and energized with the potential inside us.
Each of us also has a unique shadow. Pent up energies (like stress, worry and anger) all want a place to go. They need direction and context to be healthily expressed. This personal darkness tests us, and is the fuel for our transformation. All faith has to be tested. All love and grace emerges out of this chaotic darkness.
This shadow can hold us back from being the best we can be. Or it can eat us up, if not expressed, or it can be the MAKING of us. Seen this way, shadow is what brings depth and meaning to the journey of being truly alive.
Light and shadow emerge together, and yet the journey of transformation always leans toward the light.
Transforming from What To What?
Through this sequence we transform Stress to stillness, worry to active imagination, distraction to attention, rage to passion. Each of these are energies that have “no place to go”. They can be seen as a string on a harp. Some of these strings are too loose, which can lead to apathy or “feeling flat”. Some are too tight, leading to a sharpness, and a clenching in our inner being. These are subtle strings that weave together to form our unique configuration of energy pathways.
With careful attention, we can tune in to it and find that unique “sweet spot” of active effortlessness. We can imagine it ringing out in its pure form. Through creating art inspired by this experience we can strengthen our connection, heal any damage, and clean out the channel to let energy pour through it.
The cumulative gains of this practice are a cleansing of one inner being, and a clearer sense of purpose, vitality and inner direction.
It takes practice. But the pathway is gentle, patient, and powerful.
"The Temple Of Light - The New Map Of The SoulScape"
How does "Soul As Symphony" unfold?
This creative pathway is created as we walk it together. I have intuited some sense of the journey, and I have extracted elements from an ever evolving multidimensional “map” of what I perceive as the Imaginal World. I call this map “The SoulScape”.
However, I will carefully tune into the needs of the group, and create each session, as we walk this pathway together.
Ultimately, each of these titles is a “working title” that will almost certainly take a new form by the time we have our live session together.
The reason for this is that The Soul is always in a state of fluid movement. Transformation is a messy non-linear, and highly fluid occurrence.
We live in a world of so much order, and structure and so, to accommodate this transformation, we conjoin these material and ethereal worlds by adapting this course as we create together.
We shall be led primarily by our inner experience.
Though there is a sequence to this journey, you can join at any time. Each session is created both as a stand alone session, and part of unfolding sequence.
These sessions do the best they can to accommodate that reality.
In truth we will create the path as we walk it together, and I would love to hear what ideas you have for sessions too!
At the time of writing, I see that this transformational journey takes us through the "The Nine Soul Centres" that build our Angelic Body, from which we will paint our own"Soul Notes". From there through to the larger fractal holding patterns of Life through "The Soul Chords". At intermittent stages we may look at “Soul Harmonics” or take "Soul Arc Journeys" to explore three realms of existence, The Material, Imaginal and Celestial Realms.
The Three Realms
PLEASE BE AWARE YOU CAN JOIN IN AT ANY TIME. This is like a rolling stream that you can jump into at any time.
The DATES AND The current working titles for these sessions are:
“Cleansing The Lens Of Perception” - Opening The Mind Centre
Circle 1 - Sep 13, 2023 01:00 PM
Circle 2 - Sep 14, 2023 08:00 PM
By cleansing the lens of perception we access the power of attention and enable whatever we pay attention to, to flourish.
“Animating Your Aliveness”- Opening The Body Centre Body
Circle 1 - Oct 11, 2023 01:00 PM UK
Circle 2 - Oct 12, 2023 08:00 PM UK
By attending to our flowing body centre, we truly inhabit our lives in dynamic poise.
“Centering In The Eye Of The Heart” - Heart Centre
Circle 1 - Nov 15, 2023 01:00 PM UK
Circle 2 - Nov 16, 2023 08:00 PM UK
By paying attention to the heart centre, we nurture the intelligences of deep empathy and compassion, for ourselves and for others.
“Circulating Energy through the Three Centres”
Circle 1 - Dec 13, 2023 01:00 PM UK
Circle 2 - Dec 14, 2023 08:00 PM UK
By circulating energy through these three centres, we stabilise ourselves and stay grounded, and present in any given moment.
2024 DATES (To Be Confirmed)
“Soul Centre Opening - Inspiring”
Opening a Soul Centre builds an aspect of your Angelic Body
Circle 1 - Jan 18, 2024 01:00 PM UK
Circle 2 - Jan 19, 2024 08:00 PM UK
“Soul Centre Opening - Expressing”
Opening a Soul Centre builds an aspect of your Angelic Body
Circle 1 - Feb 21, 2024 01:00 PM UK
Circle 2 - Feb 22, 2024 08:00 PM UK
“Soul Centre Opening - Connection I”
Opening a Soul Centre builds an aspect of your Angelic Body
Circle 1 - Mar 20, 2024 01:00 PM UK
Circle 2 - Mar 21, 2024 08:00 PM UK
“Soul Centre Opening - Connection 2”
Opening a Soul Centre builds an aspect of your Angelic Body
Circle 1 - tbc, 2024 01:00 PM UK
Circle 2 - tbc, 2024 08:00 PM UK
“Soul Centre Opening - Integrating”
Opening a Soul Centre builds an aspect of your Angelic Body
Circle 1 - tbc, 2024 01:00 PM UK
Circle 2 - tbc, 2024 08:00 PM UK
“Soul Centre Opening - Rarifying”
Circulating energy through the soul centres actively builds your angelic body of light.
Circle 1 - tbc, 2024 01:00 PM UK
Circle 2 - tbc, 2024 08:00 PM UK
“The Soul Chords”
Exploring the fractal patterns of angelic Life.
Circle 1 - tbc, 2024 01:00 PM UK
Circle 2 - tbc, 2024 08:00 PM UK
“The Soul Chords”
The fractal patterns of angelic Life.
Circle 1 - tbc, 2024 01:00 PM UK
Circle 2 - tbc, 2024 08:00 PM UK
By the end of these sessions you will have identified the shadow and the light through each of these powerful lenses of looking at the world.
You will reap the rewards of releasing the energies contained in each of these holding patterns of humanity, and see the full spectrum of your potential in the world.
"SoulScaping is a journey that connects me with myself, my group of fellow SoulScapers and the Universe. Through the step-by-step approach you are using, I can connect my head with my heart, come into a flow of creativity and let my hands express my inner feelings. I'm happy, grateful and delighted to be part of that transformative process." H.L Course Participant
Though there is a sequence to this journey, you can join at any time.
This is a “rolling” monthly pathway which means you can join in at whichever stage of the journey you like. The format for the sessions are something like this:
- Live hour 90 minute zoom sessions with sessions occurring monthly on roughly every third Wednesday at 1pm and Thursday at 8pm UK of the Month.
- Each stage is supported by an imaginal practise, a writing and a video using artwork from my own collections to get a visceral sense of each of these potentials inside you. These are all held in the SoulScaping Membership Portal.
- Group numbers are unlimited which means we all benefit from the power of collective co-creative updraft of creating in larger and larger groups.
- Breakout sessions into smaller groups build community, and enable you to be mutually enriched in a supportive environment.
You will emerge from this pathway seeing yourself, and your unique symphony of light and darkness in a whole new way.
Three Levels Of Access and Investment
Your can access "Soul As Symphony" at Three Levels.
Level 1: Self Paced Course and Membership Portal :
£35 per month. Sign up here
This Includes:
- Each monthly session stage is supported by an imaginal practise, a video, and context setting writing. This also includes downlaodable artwokrs for your own continued contemplation, using artwork from my own collections to get a visceral sense of each of these potentials inside you.
- The Soul: SoulScaping collective Membership This course is lovingly held in The SoulScaping Collective, a Membership platform that is a safe place to share artwork, and best practices. This includes two courses "The Power Of Attention and "Feeling Truly Alive."
- BONUS 1: Access to the The Soul Notes Course Self Paced Course (value £295) 13 Recorded Sessions inspired by the Soul Notes for you to engage your the unique aliveness of your Self Image (you can see the live curriculum here)
BONUS 2: Access to the Soul Chords Self Paced Course (value £295)
13 Recorded Sessions to lead you into the life patterns contained in your Soul Image. “The Soul Chords - Aligning with The Patterns of Life” is an experiential pathway into the fractal patterns that form Life, the cosmos, and the fabric of the Soul.
The Soul Notes Self Paced Course
All sessions are recorded and held in an online learning portal
Level 2: Self Paced Course and Membership Portal + One Online Live Virtual Session :
£160 per month. To sign up email
(These sessions are invoiced on a monthly basis.)
This includes all of the above PLUS:
- One live Zoom SoulScaping session (Dates and titles above) to bring each facet of this SoulScape to life. Each session is carefully orchestrated to inspire and open up an aspect of your Soul Symphony ins a safe and supportive group creative environment.
- Each session is recorded and held in the Portal, along with supporting materials, plus a safe place to post and receive ongoing support in your SoulScaping Practise
- EXTRA BONUS!: For completing 12 months of this course you will receive a signed copy of my forthcoming book: "SoulScaping - Create your way to Realisation" (or signed open edition print) depending on publishing times)
Level 3 Deep Dive: Self Paced Online Course and Membership Portal + One Live Virtual Session + Ad Hoc Virtual Deep Dive Sessions :
£250 per month: To sign up email
(These sessions are invoiced on a monthly basis.)
6 Places only
This includes all of the above PLUS:
- Ad hoc extra live sessions where we explore a deeper facet of the SoulScape together. (These session times will be confirmed when the group is formed, but will be held on the Wednesdays at 1pm UK or Thursdays at 8pm UK.)
- EXTRA BONUS!: For completing 12 months of this course you will receive a Signed Limited Edition Print, and a signed copy of my forthcoming book: "SoulScaping - Create your way to Realisation" to sign up for the Portal.
Still not Sure?
Email to arrange a one to one zoom session to see if this course is right for you and ask any questions.
Thankyou so much, and I CANNOT wait to take you into the center or centers of your own SoulScape, and experience “Soul As Symphony”.
Louis Parsons