SoulScaping -The Soul Chords

24 Week Deeper Online Creativity Course Starting 9th September
I’m truly excited to share with you “The Soul Chords”
“The Soul Chords - Aligning with The Patterns of Life” is an experiential pathway into the fractal patterns that form Life, the cosmos, and the fabric of the Soul.
This creative wisdom pathway has two aims:
We will create art inspired by these patterns with the express purpose of knowing you are a significant and vibrant part of a resplendently beautiful dynamic cosmos that is alive in you.
- By becoming increasingly aware of, and creating from the dynamic energy of these patterns you will feel re-energized, revitalised, and challenged to push through the distortion field that veils reality, so you can see reality as it really is.
My intention is that you will emerge from this pathway seeing that you participate in the generation of reality itself. That sounds big.. But it's beautifully simple.. And hugely empowering.
These sessions include:
- 12 Live hour 90 minute zoom sessions with sessions bi-weekly.
- Each stage is supported by a reflective practise using examples from nature of The Soul Chords to get a visceral sense of each of these potentials inside you, and see how they shape our behaviours, and our experience.
- Group numbers are limited to 6-8 making this an intimate peer learning experience.
- Sessions are recorded and kept in a dynamic self-paced learning platform
Take a look around you right now..
What patterns do you see?
Can you see the “Branching” in the palm of your hand?
Can you see the “Refracting” of light playing on the wall? Can you feel the “Pulsing” of blood in your veins?
All of these patterns also have a conscious human capacity. When you become aware of this, Life becomes a vivifying dance of meaning. Life begins to feel.. Not so much as something happening to us… but waves of experience that we can shape.. maybe even surf.
The Soul Chords are dynamic, archetypal holding patterns that shape our very experience of life.
The beautiful and (completely accessible!) part of this is that they are all observable fractal patterns, pathways and processes in nature. Things like “Pulsing”, “Weaving” and “Branching”.
Once we see the patterns for what they are, and how we have distorted them into something they aren't.. Problems, stress and the background noise of life start to lessen, and we see a dynamic reality that we are part of.
That's why I call them “Chords”: Musical chords that hold specific patterns.
These patterns, once known, can play out more fully in the Unique Symphony of Light (and darkness) that forms the deepest aspects of you.
These Sessions (which are in constant creative synthesis!) include:
Well take a first sweep of your inner experience of the Soul Chords and see how these always act in dynamic “chord” combinations. Oh.. and find the answer to the question.. “What does the universe really want?”
The wave pattern, discover the ups and downs of life and how to ride them.
The universe centers in on itself, including on you.
Let's see what happens when we bring the Chords together.
Energy billows through all the pathways. We uncover the language of flow states.
Sustained, gradual growth over time… and lightning strikes of thought. Branches are everywhere, and we discover the power of sustained connection.
Seeing the spread of ideas, and the abundance of life, carried on the wind.
Let's see what happens when we bring the Chords together.
The mutual exchange of energies dancing across boundaries, like fire and flame.
The upward and downward spiral, slow or intense, used in destruction and creation
The meshing together of thought, the weaving of skin, the filaments of sensing.
Bring together the alignment of your ultimate chord combination., and see reality as it really is.
With every chord and chord combination we play with, we get a fuller richer view of the full spectrum of life experience, and how best to make the most of them.
By the end of these sessions you will have identified vibrant energies and patterns that will enable a deeper, more realised, version of your Self.
“This is pure genius. Everything I have learned so far about Archetypes has felt like mechanical science. The Soul Chords are the quantum scientific view of the archetypal world” - C-Phenix. Soul Chords Participant.
All of the artwork created in these sessions can be kept for your own personal use, and if you wish to, can be contributed to the World Soul Mosaic
This is a high touch program with numbers limited to 6-8 to ensure full quality peer experience for every session.
The SoulScape process has evolved to another level thanks to people like you that I have had the honor to work with. It's become more than a painting, it's become a way in which we can explore spiritual realities together. Maybe this is what it was always destined to be.
This course continues to feel like the most profound of my work to date.
It is my unifying masterwork, it goes deeper and further than anything I have ever created.
I've wanted to make it as affordable as I can whilst also making sure those who join truly see the value of the power of their own creativity.
Im offering this at £233 a month for 6 months (or £1398 total).
As this is such an intimate course, I want to know this is right of you, for me, and the group that is forming. If you feel this is for you please email me at and we will arrange a preliminary zoom conversation to connect.
I really look forward to enabling you to explore and embody “The Soul Chords” through the power of SoulScaping together,