The Soul Alignment Programme 2022
A Series of Online Courses and Virtual Retreats to experience the power and beauty of your Soul
"The Soul of The Cosmos" - Starts Wednesday September 14th - Its a great time to Join, and you get a Free One to One Induction Session With me)
- Gently and inexorably enable to you to get more and more in touch with the core of your true self.
- Develop creative resilience, and overcome your own adversities.
- Inspire you to see the many layers of subtle beauty and potential that are already inside you, waiting to be revealed.
It will help you come into Alignment with your soul.
This happens through:
- Three 12 week online live virtual courses personally facilitated by Louis Parsons (“The Anatomy Of The Soul”, “The Soul Of The World’, “The Soul Of The Cosmos”)
- Each of these courses is carefully crafted to be a stand alone course, so you can join at any point in the programme.
- Three Live Online Half Day “Integration Retreats” at strategic points in the year
- Membership of the SoulScape Collective
- (For 6 people) Two One to One sessions to explore the inner dimensions of your being
- (For 6 people) the creation of your very own SoulScape Artwork in oil on canvas by Louis Parsons.
- A serious amount of BONUS Self Paced courses and Artwork for those who complete all three phases including access to recordings of “The Soul Notes”, “Re-Visioning Humanity” and “The Soul Chords”.
This programme has one aim: to align with you the power and beauty and true safety of your soul.

Why Soul Alignment?
The past two years have taught me a lot about what is truly important to me, to you, to life itself. Walking through the tumultuous chaos of an ever changing world can either be devastating, or purifying.
Soul Safety is not the same as conventional safety. Staying in step with your soul takes courage. It's edgy. It's challenging. But the rewards are contentment and fulfilment in the midst of almost any circumstance.
It's the one way for you to fully emerge in what I call "The World Soul Renaissance."
This is a time of Humanising in the face of extreme challenge. As all we think we know about the world changes, we have an opportunity to embrace the very best of what it means to be fully human.
Download your Free E-Book - "The World Soul Renaissance"
I write more about this in my e-book "The World Soul Renaissance" and feel free to download your free copy of it here:
"The World Soul Renaissance is not just an idea. It's a reality that is emerging throughout the world as we speak. In this global, interdisciplinary exchange of energy, wealth, technology and nature, we can emerge as an entirely new species of human. But only if we trust something beyond ourselves. In this short book,
I want to share with you the patterns of growth that three decades of artistic insight have given to me from a vast wealth of perspectives I have had the privilege to connect with. I end this with a short guided visualization, guided questions, and an invitation.
Whatever part of the world you are in, whatever you are facing, I truly hope these words and images speak to the imaginal cells in your being, and light you up with hope.
We have never needed these qualities more: Connection, Love, Creativity, and the Unique Light of your Aliveness."
I've been pushed to the edge of my own limits, personally and professionally. The crucible of life has taken many of my talents, my sorrow and pains, my energies, my life experiences and put them into a furnace.
When this happens they all get melted down together.
When this happens you have to be patient, and see what emerges.
Maybe you are finding the same, maybe you are going through an “inner dismantling process”. Your values and identity get melted down but this is so can be re-forged anew.
The only way through a process like this is to creatively stay in step with the little voice inside that keeps you on course. This is where the true safety.
It's easier said than done.
Only you can listen to that little voice, feel the energy and wisdom of it and take direction from it. Through the power of SoulScaping consistently, and being held in a peer learning experience, this gets easier and easier.
How has this program emerged?
Personally, Ive questioned whether my work really matters to a world that is clearly going through a major turning point. Professionally I've had to question wether I will continue to paint SoulScapes in high end locations in the world. I've had to dismantle how I run leadership workshops with large corporations.
More than ever, I've been forced to look deeply within the nooks and crannies of my own experience as the pressure of change and containment pressed ever inwards. Sometimes I didn’t like what I saw. I had to question wether what I have inside is pure and powerful enough to meet the challenges and energies that life can throw at us.
Through this process a new fusion of my work has emerged. A hybrid that I am truly proud of.
Like an alchemist, I’ve wanted to extract only the quintessential elements of my experience and learning, and re-fashion them into something potent, powerful.
Every time I’ve found the space to check in, to attune to that little voice inside… every time I have taken the next step in the direction of its gentle nudging, a new vista and horizon has opened up. I've been overwhelmingly held and supported, creatively, lovingly, financially… seemingly miraculously through an incredibly turbulent time.
Now I want the same for those who join this programme.
Ive fashioned this as away to transmit the experience of Soul Alignment over an extended period of time for others to continue to fan the ember in their own soul, and see what emerges for them.
Two Powerful Threads
One of the most important things I’ve learned is the power of a peer learning group. In a shared space, exploring and SoulScaping together over a consistent period of time.. is genuinely, gently, transformational. It seems to “reach the parts of you that other programmes can't reach” as one participant said.
Each perspective shines a light on each of us, as we SoulScape together, we see the things in each other that that we cant see for ourselves.
It's been the rock and pillar through which SoulScapers have traversed intense challenge, and celebrated huge revelatory interior beauty.. together.
The second is the power of art to capture, crystallise, and reflect back energy.
Paintings become portals to inner dimensions of you. This is especially true for the artwork that you create for yourself, and has been the foundation of the SoulScaping experience.
Now I want to add another dimension to this for you.
Your Very Own Oil On Canvas SoulScape Commission Created by Louis Parsons
Personally, as an artist, it has been incredibly gratifying over the past two years to create an Oil On Canvas SoulScape commission for someone that I have got to know at this Soul level through shared experiences of painting together. I get to see different facets of you through painting together. I piece these together into your very own yntheseis, a painting that captures a snapshot of what your SoulScape looks like. A portal to reflect upon, that shines a light onto the inner dimensions of your being.
Having painted commissions this way the art has been received, and seen at a level of knowing that is truly beautiful… as owners of SoulScapes have said:
“My SoulScape shows me who I am becoming. I feel very joyful when I see it and it reminds me of my mission in the world.”
“Every time we look at it we see and feel something new. We discover a piece of us that we had forgotten existed. We discover a piece of us that is still yet to come.”
For 6 people, I want to create your SoulScape Commission.
You can find out more about SoulScape Commissions here.
(This may well become the only way I will SoulScape art in the future! I realise that I want to pour my life energy into just the right places, and this seems to the the best way to from now on. I may only ever paint 100 more of these in my lifetime.)
These two elements peer learning and art, woven together, over and over again, form the basis of this deep and powerful journey into your own SoulScape, and Soul Alignment.
Plumbing The Depths of Your Inner World
The SoulScape itself is a multi dimensional inner reality. Its a world within to explore through the power of creativity and art. You have a unique and significant part to play in this Unique Symphony of Being… this spontaneous light orchestra that unites us and weaves us together.
For you to get clarity and deep experience of this reality I have crafted these three unique experiences for you. Each of these courses aim to turn you and your world inside out.
We spend so much time at the surface and circumference of our lives, and little time at the centre. The centre is generative. Its where the leverage is.
These Live online courses will help you plumb the depths and set foot firmly in your centre of centres:
Three 12 week online live virtual courses personally facilitated by Louis Parsons.
Each of these courses is a stand-alone course. They are carefully curated to explore the images that form the inner dimensions of your SoulScape:
Here Is the entire Journey In Full:
Course 1: The Anatomy Of The Soul
“The Anatomy Of The Soul” is completely unlike any other coaching, creativity, or art led course.
This 12 week online creativity course has one aim: To light you up with the power of your own unique creativity.
This is a 12 week course with:
- Six live 2 hour zoom sessions with sessions occurring fortnightly
- 2 Beautiful ebooks with guided journaling questions, an imaginal visualization, and video to complement each session.
- Group numbers are limited to 6-8 to ensure intimacy of numbers and a high quality peer learning experience.
These Sessions include:
This is a high touch program with numbers limited to 6-8 to ensure full quality peer experience for every session.
Integration Retreat 1: 3-6 pm 23rd April
In these expanded sessions we take the time to integrate all that you have learned in each of the courses, we explore different painting techniques, and extended periods of imaginal practise together. This helps you build your creative and contemplative practise and gives you all the space you need to continue to access new depths of being.
Course 2: The Soul Of The World
“The Soul Of The World” course explores the next profound image that shapes our psyche - the ”World Image”. This image holds the keys to developing incredible ways of seeing and ways of being.
The world image is the lens through which you look at the world, and create the world, as it emerges through you.
This is a 12 week course with:
- Six live 2 hour zoom sessions with sessions occurring fortnightly
- 2 Beautiful ebooks with guided journaling questions, an imaginal visualization, and video to complement each session.
- Group numbers are limited to 6-8 to ensure intimacy of numbers and a high quality peer learning experience.
Here we identify what your aliveness looks like as it connects with the generation of the emerging new world. By identifying your aliveness this way, you increase motivation to make the changes you know you are being called to make.
In this session you gain clarity on the last time you went through a transformation. By identifying the things that held you back, and how you have been shaped by these trials, you gain fresh confidence to make your new transformation a reality.
Creativity is the art of adapting to the unknown. By establishing your own unique connection to the principles of chaos and order, you will be empowered as you balance these dynamic polarities.
Each of us has a unique part of the puzzle to build a new world. The weight that we carry has the seed of the gift we can bring to this new world
Experiencing the world as a living being.
The world is in birth pains, generating a new humanity in union with divinity and nature.
Soul Engagement Retreat 2: 3-6 pm Saturday 20th August
In these expanded sessions we take the time to integrate all that you have learned in each of the courses, we explore different painting techniques, and extended periods of imaginal practise together. This helps you build your creative and contemplative practise and gives you all the space you need to continue to access new depths of being.
(This is also an ideal space to integrate your learning by looking at one of the Self Paced programs that come with this course. You will be sent pointers on the best way utilise these orbiting pathways to re-force the learning from this signature programme.)
The Soul Of The Cosmos - (Soul Image)
“SoulScaping - The Soul Of The Cosmos” has one aim: To help build existential trust in a universe that is truly alive in you and as you.
Together we will explore ways to:
These qualities are also the qualities that you and the world need right now, as we learn to creatively adapt to dark edges of the unknown.
This is a 12 week course with:
- Six live 2 hour zoom sessions with sessions occurring fortnightly
- Sessions are recorded, and can be made available to you
- Group numbers are limited to 6 to ensure intimacy of numbers and a high quality peer learning experience.
These Sessions include:
6. “TBC” - Circle 1 - 2pm, Circle 2 - 8pm, Nov 30
Bringing all these principles to bear we lay out the roadmap for how we can give birth to a new self, a new world, and a new conception of the universe. Through this we see the extraordinary in the ordinary, and realise all we need is inside us.
Soul Integration Retreat 3: 3-6 pm 3rd December (TBC)
In these expanded sessions we take the time to integrate all that you have learned in each of the courses, we explore different painting techniques, and extended periods of imaginal practise together. This helps you build your creative and contemplative practise and gives you all the space you need to continue to access new depths of being.
(By the way! You wont miss a thing! Each of these courses is recorded and available within 24-48 hours after the session and keep in our beautiful online self paced course learning programme at The SoulScaping Collective
Membership of The SoulScaping Collective
Alongside the peer learning support you get in the shared space of SoulScaping together, you also get to access the SoulScaping Collective, a membership community carefully crafted to mutually support one another's creativity and energy.
The SoulScaping collective is the connective tissue for the community in between sessions, with guidance on life practises, articles, and the holding place of the “Soul Mosaic”
(See it as a purer, soul-filled "Facebook" to post your work and get hints and tips and articles along the way.)
See the SoulScaping Collective here.
(For 6 people) 2 x One to One sessions to explore the inner dimensions of your being
In these consultations, we will explore what makes you feel truly alive, what holds you back and what lights you up. We can look at the artwork you have created to give us pointers as to what is emerging for you. All of this provides rich insight for me to create your very own oil on canvas SoulScape commission.
I only offer one to one sessions with those who are exploring SoulScape commissions (which is why only 6 places are available a year)
- (For 6 people), the creation of your very own SoulScape Artwork in oil on canvas by Louis Parsons.
SoulScaping is both a practice and your SoulScape is an inner reality. All of this was born out of 20 years of me creating “SoulScape Commissions” - Oil On Canvas artworks that capture the essence of your true Self.
As part of the Soul Alignment programme, 6 participants will be able to commission me to paint their SoulScape in oil on canvas.
Why only 6? It takes significant energy and attention to create a SoulScape. I have realised that I may only create 100 more or so in my lifetime.
I want these artworks to deeply count.. to matter to those they are for. Limiting the number of them I paint guarantees the energetic quality of them for you.
Here is what people have said about their SoulScape Commissions:
“My SoulScape shows me who I am becoming. I feel very joyful when I see it and it reminds me of my mission in the world.”
“Every time we look at it we see and feel something new. We discover a piece of us that we had forgotten existed. We discover a piece of us that is still yet to come.”
There are two levels of access to this programme. (Simply, its with me painting your SoulScape, or without me painting your SoulScape)
Soul Alignment Programme 2022 : (Without SoulScape Commission - 6 places available)
This Includes -
- Three 12 week, live online programmes (The Anatomy Of The Soul, The World Soul and The Soul Of The Cosmos) - (Combined Value: £2085)
- Three ½ Day Soul Alignment Virtual Retreats (Combined Value - £585)
- Membership to the SoulScaping Collective
13 Recorded Sessions inspired by the Soul Notes for you to engage your the unique aliveness of your Self Image (you can see the live curriculum here)
These recordings are held as a beautiful self paced course in The SoulScaping Collective - Membership Platform.
13 Recorded Sessions inspired by The Human Story Collection to uncover the hidden potentials in your World Image. “Re-Visioning Humanity” is for you to see the trajectory of life's evolution through 10 powerful artworks, and to be inspired by real HOPE for humanity's future. (These recordings are held as a beautiful self paced course in The SoulScaping Collective - Membership Platform.)
You can see the live curriculum here.
13 Recorded Sessions to lead you into the life patterns contained in your Soul Image.
“The Soul Chords - Aligning with The Patterns of Life” is an experiential pathway into the fractal patterns that form Life, the cosmos, and the fabric of the Soul. (These recordings are held as a beautiful self paced course in The SoulScaping Collective - Membership Platform.)
You can see the live curriculum here.
I would LOVE for you to own one of my artworks from any one of my collections for your ongoing contemplation.
At any point in the programme you can choose a Limited Giclee edition print from The Soul Art Collection or The Human Story Collection worth upto £595.
(I just ask that you cover the cost of shipping)
(The total value for all of this is: £4150)
Your Investment for The Soul Alignment programme is:
£3000 or 12 monthly payments of £250.
(This is a saving of £1150)
Soul Alignment Programme 2022 with SoulScape Commission (6 places available)
This 12 month Programme Includes all of the above!! PLUS:
- 2 Virtual One to Ones Consultations (Value £500)
- Mounted Oil Pastel and Acrylic First Stage SoulScape Artwork (£950)
- SoulScape Oil On Canvas Artwork upto 90 x 90 cm (Value upto £9000)
BONUSSES INCLUDE ALL OF THE ABOVE with the Soul Alignment Programme PLUS
- Instead of a Giclee Print, you can choose a Limited Edition Hand Embellished Print on Canvas of your choice from anyone of my Art Collections for you to contemplate. (upto £1095)
- (I just ask that you cover the cost of shipping)
Total Value (including bonuses is): £15,695
Your Investment for the Soul Alignment Programme with SoulScape commission is:
£12,000 or 12 monthly payments of £1000.
(This is a saving of £3695)
Send an email to to confirm your place or to ask any questions.
(THERE IS AN OPTION TO HAVE A ONE-ONE induction session with me, and pick up the sequence at any point. This still includes the retreat and one self paced course bonus, but not the other bonusses.. unless you roll over into the next year :)
Thankyou so much, and I CANNOT wait to take you into the centre or centres of your own SoulScape, and inspire you to experience Alignment with your Soul in 2022.
Louis Parsons
Email me at